Success Stories - Nine9 Reviews

Nine9 Rated
1 2 3 4 5 4.8 / 5
1370 Talent Reviews
The success story of Brandy B - Nine9
Brandy B. 72120
I have been with Nine9 since the end of May. I have been an extra in a music Video. I am in an indie film as a supporting role. Super excited that more is to come!
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The success story of Elisa D - Nine9
Elisa D. 76885
I was an extra in the movie "Into the Wild" directed by Sean Penn.
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The success story of Jake B - Nine9
Jake B. 72124
Through Nine9, Jake auditioned in Atlanta for a short film by Rayne Bros. Films called "Instinct". He was chosen to play the child version of the lead named Adam. Filming took place at the end of September and Jake had a wonderful experience. Thanks again Nine9!
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The success story of Alicia O - Nine9
Alicia O. 74230
Hey my name is Alicia and I was just an extra on "Lucky Number" for the last four days! It was lots of fun, a great experience and an awesome first step. Thanks Nine9!
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The success story of Amanda H - Nine9
Amanda H. 76223
I never would have imagined getting to where I am today. I have only been a member for about a month and I have been in one music video and now on my way to a bigger film production! Thank you for all your support and help in making my dreams come true! This company has helped me get in contact with so many wonderful people and has given me the support to move forward in bettering myself and family!
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The success story of Yuleeza S R - Nine9
Yuleeza S R. 75204
Today Yuleeza was cast for a primary part in the 'Off Broadway' play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! We are super excited and so thankful for this start!
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The success story of Kyle S - Nine9
Kyle S. 48084
When I first started I was just another kid from Chicago with a dream of becoming a model. Going into an interview with Nine9 has changed everything for me. Since being a talent with them I got signed to Major Modeling Agency out of New York and now I live there and work full time as a high fashion model walking in some of the best runways in the world. Thank you Nine9 for helping me become what I am today.
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The success story of Destiny A - Nine9
Destiny A. 73472
Hi my name is Destiny A. I have been with Nine9 for a few months and attended another audition a week ago. It was successful and I was chosen to be in the movie. I am so excited and proud of myself. I have to say thanks Nine9!
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