Success Stories

Gary J Talent ID 57201
New Haven, CT
Member since June 2011

Hello Everyone! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! I've been cast as a background actor in several feature length films including Ben Stiller's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "The Bitter Pill" with Catherine Zeta Jones, a Japanese film called "The Human Trust" and a Martin Scorsese film still in production called "The Wolf of Wall Street". I've been in a few television projects too like HBO's The News Room and CBS' Golden Boy along with Blue Bloods. I'm auditioning for a new film with Oscar Winner Cuba Gooding, Jr. called "Something Whispered". None of this would have happened had I not stopped by Once Source Talent! Nine9 prepared me by getting my photo shoot and posting my resume and photos on their website. This was done so that I could be presented to casting directors in a professional way. I will soon be joining (SAG) the Screen Actors Guild as I pursue my acting career. I am grateful to the professionals at Nine9 who pointed me in the right direction. I highly recommend Nine9 to everyone!

Gary J.

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