Success Stories

Tamyra S Talent ID 96565
Lawton, OK
Member since July 2014

I'm Tamyra Snell, thanks to Nine9 for the last two auditions that I've had. I was called for a broadway tour "The Road to Redemption" and the " Grandfather Project"! My audition for the broadway road tour, proved to be in my favor. I received a positive go for the part which is in Seattle, Washington. I'm now just waiting to push out a few more details with the directors and hopefully according to the directors I'll be on the road showing at least for the next 12-18 months. This is a awesome opportunity as well as paid position, that will also afford me a great opportunity to gain experience even starting at only 10yrs old. I'm also in the process of working with the "Grandfathers Project" & awaiting their follow-up call for the audition. I'm positive it will work out accordingly and another job will be mine. Again, I owe every thank you to God and the people I personally have at Nine9! Keep them coming!

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